Monday, September 29, 2008


Hello everyone out there if you are there. this is my first blog page. ive always wanted to have my own website but not the resources to do so. so this is the net best thing.

this blog isnt jsut gonna be about me and my personal life. there will be a little bit of everything from games to comics movies music, wrestling and more. im just a geek at heart.

now gimme a break ive never done this before so if im doing soemthing wrong, i dont know any better but hang in there and give me a chance and it think youlll like it. ill have some top ten list(cause i love top ten list). my thoughts about certain things to do with pop culture. ill review soem movies and games. ill have stuff like movies or games youve never played or seen that you cause i play an watch alot and see shit soemtimes thats like whoah that was really good and unexpected, and i like to share with everyone and tell them how good it is. so thats one of the reasons why i made this and because i wanna get back into to writing and expressing myself. its been awhile so bare with me when i just ramble on at first and all the spelling errors.BUT it will get better.

well i hope you enjoy keep chacking backk ill have my first post up within 2 days, most likely tomorow(thats one word i can never spell)

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